dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

Difference of budget

Within football there are a big budget difference. In the Spanish league there are only two teams that can win except exceptions.When one of those teams made a bad season the next year spent millions euros. In my opinion I think this be avoided putting a limit budget.


The theme of drugs is very controversial because many people are against but there are people in favor. In my opinion I think there are different types of drugs but excluding anesthesia or coffee, all bad.The drugs  are bad  for example some celebrities have everything and because of the drug lose everything.

divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Little Nicolas

This name is very famous today But who is the little Nicolas?
Nobody knows who is in reality only we know it has been very importantantes sites.
My first question: Is a phony or is there something more? In my opinion there are very strange things behind this person.
My second question is can compare with james bond?

diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2014

Public health

In recent years public health in Spain has gone down. Isn't the blame of the doctors, the blame is he cuts. Public health in Spain was the best but now it isn't. I think health is very important and there are other things as the salaries of politicians.


Podemos  is in actuality because is a party that is having a lot of popularity. People ask why they're having a lot of popularity. I think, it's because people are tired of the partys that always govern. If there is a change will govern and I think that things will go better.

diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014


The Ebola virus is in actuality, but  recently doesn't many people knew the virus. This is because the virus didn't  reached in the first world and none responsible for any rich country didn't  worried. I think this action was inhuman and can't  be allowed in the 21st century.

dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2014

21st century consumerism

A week ago it sold new iPhone 6. The price is 900€ while others phones are much cheaper  but  in that they thinking, the iPhone 6 is only larger than the previous model and the worst is that the iphone 6 doubles. More people forward to having this phone and this people doesn't import defects of this mobile.

dimarts, 30 de setembre del 2014

Started the blog

Hello Joan in my blog I will talk about actuality (technology, sports, policy...) at the moment but also I will wrote  about more specialized themes  . Will be as a weekly newspaper. Hope you like and I remember write blog every week.